Smart Contract Addresses Documentation
This section describes the specifics of smart contract addresses on the TON Blockchain. It also explains how actors are synonymous with smart contracts on TON.
Everything is a Smart Contract
On TON, smart contracts are built using the Actor model. In fact, actors on TON are technically represented as smart contracts. This means that even your wallet is a simple actor (and a smart contract).
Typically, actors process incoming messages, change their internal states, and generate outbound messages as a result. That's why every actor (i.e., smart contract) on TON Blockchain must have an address, so it can receive messages from other actors.
On the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), addresses are completely separate from smart contracts. Feel free to learn more about the differences by reading our article "Six unique aspects of TON Blockchain that will surprise Solidity developers" by Tal Kol.
Address of Smart Contract
Smart contract addresses on TON typically consist of two main components:
(workchain_id): Denotes the workchain ID (a signed 32-bit integer)
(account_id) Denotes the address of the account (64-512 bits, depending on the workchain)
In the raw address overview section of this documentation, we'll discuss how (workchain_id, account_id) pairs are presented.