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Compile and Build smart contracts on TON

Here is a list of libraries and repos to build your smart contract.


  • In most cases, it's enough to use Blueprint SDK.
  • If you need more low-level approach, you can use ton-compiler or func-js.



A development environment for TON blockchain for writing, testing, and deploying smart contracts. Read more in Blueprint git repository.


Run the following in terminal to create a new project and follow the on-screen instructions:

npm create ton@latest



  • Streamlined workflow for building, testing and deploying smart contracts
  • Dead simple deployment to mainnet/testnet using your favorite wallet (eg. Tonkeeper)
  • Blazing fast testing of multiple smart contracts in an isolated blockchain running in-process

Tech stack

  1. Compiling FunC with https://github.com/ton-community/func-js (no CLI)
  2. Testing smart contracts with https://github.com/ton-community/sandbox
  3. Deploying smart contracts with TON Connect 2, Tonhub wallet or a ton:// deeplink


How to use?



Packaged FunC compiler for TON smart contracts:


npm install ton-compiler


  • Multiple FunC compiler versions
  • Doesn't need to install and compile TON
  • Programmatic and CLI interfaces
  • Ready to use in unit-testing

How to use

This packages adds ton-compiler binary to a project.

FunC compilation is a multi-stage process. One is compiling Func to Fift code that is then compiled to a binary representation. Fift compiler already has Asm.fif bundled.

FunC stdlib is bundled but could be disabled at runtime.

Console Use

# Compile to binary form (for contract creation)
ton-compiler --input ./wallet.fc --output ./wallet.cell

# Compile to fift (useful for debugging)
ton-compiler --input ./wallet.fc --output-fift ./wallet.fif

# Compile to binary form and fift
ton-compiler --input ./wallet.fc --output ./wallet.cell --output-fift ./wallet.fif

# Disable stdlib
ton-compiler --no-stdlib --input ./wallet.fc --output ./wallet.cell --output-fift ./wallet.fif

# Pick version
ton-compiler --version "legacy" --input ./wallet.fc --output ./wallet.cell --output-fift ./wallet.fif

Programmatic Use

import { compileContract } from "ton-compiler";
let result = await compileContract({ code: 'source code', stdlib: true, version: 'latest' });
if (result.ok) {
console.log(result.fift); // Compiled Fift assembler
console.log(result.cell); // Compiled cell Buffer
} else {
console.warn(result.logs); // Output logs



Cross-platform bindings for TON FunC compiler.

It's more low-level than ton-compiler, so use it only if ton-compiler doesn't work for you.


npm install @ton-community/func-js


  • No need to compile of download FunC binaries
  • Works both in Node.js & WEB (WASM support is required)
  • Compiles straight to BOC with code Cell
  • Assembly is returned fot debugging purposes
  • Does not depend on file-system

How to use

Internally, this package uses both FunC compiler and Fift interpreter combined to single lib compiled to WASM.

Simple schema:

(your code) -> WASM(FunC -> Fift -> BOC)

Sources to the internal lib could be found here.

Usage example

import {compileFunc, compilerVersion} from '@ton-community/func-js';
import {Cell} from 'ton';

async function main() {
// You can get compiler version
let version = await compilerVersion();

let result = await compileFunc({
// Entry points of your project
entryPoints: ['main.fc'],
// Sources
sources: {
"stdlib.fc": "<stdlibCode>",
"main.fc": "<contractCode>",
// Rest of the files which are included in main.fc if some

if (result.status === 'error') {

// result.codeBoc contains base64 encoded BOC with code cell
let codeCell = Cell.fromBoc(Buffer.from(result.codeBoc, "base64"))[0];

// result.fiftCode contains assembly version of your code (for debug purposes)

Note that all FunC source file contents used in your project should be passed to sources, including:

  • entry points
  • stdlib.fc (if you use it)
  • all files included in entry points

Validated by TON Community

Third-party contributors
