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How to open any TON Site?

In this article we'll have a look at most common ways to visit TON Sites from different devices.

Each method have it's own pros and cons which we will analyze here.

we will start with the simplest methods and finish with the most advanced ones.

😄 Easy methods

Browse through the ton.run or tonp.io

The simplest way to open a TON Site is through sites like ton.run. You don't need to install or set up anything on your device - just open the ton.run or tonp.io and you're ready to explore TON Sites.

This method may be suitable for casual browsing of TON Sites or for some checks, but not for regular use, because it also has its drawbacks:

  • You trust your internet traffic to the ton.run
  • It can go offline or break at any moment
  • It can be blocked by your internet provider

TON Wallet and MyTonWallet extensions

A bit harder but better method is to use some browser extension which will connect you to the TON Proxy and allow to browse TON Sites without any intermediate services such as ton.run.

Currently, TON Proxy is already available in MyTonWallet extension and also will be available in TON Wallet extension soon.

This method is also pretty easy, but you need to install an extension in your browser to make it work. It will be suitable for most users.

🤓 Advanced methods

Using Tonutils-Proxy

This is the most secure way of accessing TON Sites.

  1. Download the latest version from here

  2. Launch it and press "Start Gateway"

  3. Done!

See Also