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History of Tolk

When new versions of Tolk are released, they will be mentioned here.


The first public release. Here are some notes about its origin:

How Tolk was born

In June 2024, I created a pull request FunC v0.5.0. Besides this PR, I've written a roadmap — what can be enhanced in FunC, syntactically and semantically.

All in all, instead of merging v0.5.0 and continuing developing FunC, we decided to fork it. To leave FunC untouched, as it is. As it always was. And to develop a new language, driven by a fresh and new name.

For several months, I have worked on Tolk privately. I have implemented a giant list of changes. And it's not only about the syntax. For instance, Tolk has an internal AST representation, completely missed in FunC.

On TON Gateway, on 1-2 November in Dubai, I had a speech presenting Tolk to the public, and we released it the same day. Once the video is available, I'll attach it here.

Here is the very first pull request: "Tolk Language: next-generation FunC".

The first version of the Tolk Language is v0.6, a metaphor of FunC v0.5 that missed a chance to occur.

Meaning of the name "Tolk"

I'll update this section after announcing Tolk on TON Gateway.