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Mutability in Tolk vs tilda functions in FunC

  • no ~ tilda methods
  • cs.loadInt(32) modifies a slice and returns an integer
  • b.storeInt(x, 32) modifies a builder
  • b = b.storeInt() also works, since it not only modifies, but returns
  • chained methods work identically to JS, they return self
  • everything works exactly as expected, similar to JS
  • no runtime overhead, exactly same Fift instructions
  • custom methods are created with ease
  • tilda ~ does not exist in Tolk at all

This is a drastic change. If FunC has .methods() and ~methods(), Tolk has only dot, one and only way to call a .method(). A method may mutate an object, or may not. Unlike the list "in short", it's a behavioral and semantic difference from FunC.

The goal is to have calls identical to JS and other languages:

int flags = cs~load_uint(32);var flags = cs.loadUint(32);
(cs, int flags) = cs.load_uint(32);var flags = cs.loadUint(32);
(slice cs2, int flags) = cs.load_uint(32);var cs2 = cs;
var flags = cs2.loadUint(32);
slice data = get_data()
int flag = data~load_uint(32);
val flag = getContractData()
b~store_uint(x, 32);b.storeInt(x, 32);
b = b.store_int(x, 32);b.storeInt(x, 32);

// also works
b = b.storeUint(32);
b = b.store_int(x, 32)
     .store_int(y, 32);
b.storeInt(x, 32)
 .storeInt(y, 32);

// b = ...; also works

In order to make this available, Tolk offers a mutability conception, which is a generalization of what a tilda means in FunC.

By default, all arguments are copied by value (identical to FunC)

fun someFn(x: int) {
x += 1;

var origX = 0;
someFn(origX); // origX remains 0
someFn(10); // ok, just int
origX.someFn(); // still allowed (but not recommended), origX remains 0

Same goes for cells, slices, whatever:

fun readFlags(cs: slice) {
return cs.loadInt(32);

var flags = readFlags(msgBody); // msgBody is not modified
// msgBody.loadInt(32) will read the same flags

It means, that when you call a function, you are sure that original data is not modified.

mutate keyword and mutating functions

But if you add mutate keyword to a parameter, a passed argument will be mutated. To avoid unexpected mutations, you must specify mutate when calling it, also:

fun increment(mutate x: int) {
x += 1;

// it's correct, simple and straightforward
var origX = 0;
increment(mutate origX); // origX becomes 1

// these are compiler errors
increment(origX); // error, unexpected mutation
increment(10); // error, not lvalue
origX.increment(); // error, not a method, unexpected mutation
val constX = getSome();
increment(mutate constX); // error, it's immutable, since `val`

Same for slices and any other types:

fun readFlags(mutate cs: slice) {
return cs.loadInt(32);

val flags = readFlags(mutate msgBody);
// msgBody.loadInt(32) will read the next integer

It's a generalization. A function may have several mutate parameters:

fun incrementXY(mutate x: int, mutate y: int, byValue: int) {
x += byValue;
y += byValue;

incrementXY(mutate origX, mutate origY, 10); // both += 10

You may ask — is it just passing by reference? It effectively is, but since "ref" is an overloaded term in TON (cells and slices have refs), a keyword mutate was chosen.

self parameter turning a function into a method

When a first parameter is named self, it emphasizes that a function (still a global one) is a method and should be called via dot.

fun assertNotEq(self: int, throwIfEq: int) {
if (self == throwIfEq) {
throw 100;

10.assertNotEq(10); // also ok, since self is not mutating
assertNotEq(someN, 10); // still allowed (but not recommended)

self, without mutate, is immutable (unlike all other parameters). Think of it like "read-only method".

fun readFlags(self: slice) {
return self.loadInt(32); // error, modifying immutable variable

fun preloadInt32(self: slice) {
return self.preloadInt(32); // ok, it's a read-only method

Combining mutate and self, we get mutating methods.

mutate self is a method, called via dot, mutating an object

As follows:

fun readFlags(mutate self: slice) {
return self.loadInt(32);

val flags = msgBody.readFlags(); // pretty obvious

fun increment(mutate self: int) {
self += 1;

var origX = 10;
origX.increment(); // 11
10.increment(); // error, not lvalue

// even this is possible
fun incrementWithY(mutate self: int, mutate y: int, byValue: int) {
self += byValue;
y += byValue;

origX.incrementWithY(mutate origY, 10); // both += 10

If you take a look into stdlib, you'll notice, that lots of functions are actually mutate self, meaning they are methods, modifying an object. Tuples, dictionaries, and so on. In FunC, they were usually called via tilda.

fun tuplePush<X>(mutate self: tuple, value: X): void
asm "TPUSH";


return self makes a method chainable

Exactly like return self in Python or return this in JavaScript. That's what makes methods like storeInt() and others chainable.

fun storeInt32(mutate self: builder, x: int): self {
self.storeInt(x, 32);
return self;

// this would also work as expected (the same Fift code)
// return self.storeInt(x, 32);

var b = beginCell().storeInt(1, 32).storeInt32(2).storeInt(3, 32);
b.storeInt32(4); // works without assignment, since mutates b
b = b.storeInt32(5); // and works with assignment, since also returns

Pay attention to the return type, it's self. Currently, you should specify it. Being left empty, compilation will fail. Probably, in the future it would be correct.

mutate self and asm functions

While it's obvious for user-defined functions, one could be interested, how to make an asm function with such behavior? To answer this question, we should look under the hood, how mutation works inside the compiler.

When a function has mutate parameters, it actually implicitly returns them, and they are implicitly assigned to arguments. It's better by example:

// actually returns (int, void)
fun increment(mutate x: int): void { ... }

// actually does: (x', _) = increment(x); x = x'
increment(mutate x);

// actually returns (int, int, (slice, cell))
fun f2(mutate x: int, mutate y: int): (slice, cell) { ... }

// actually does: (x', y', r) = f2(x, y); x = x'; y = y'; someF(r)
someF(f2(mutate x, mutate y));

// when `self`, it's exactly the same
// actually does: (cs', r) = loadInt(cs, 32); cs = cs'; flags = r
flags = cs.loadInt(32);

So, an asm function should place self' onto a stack before its return value:

// "TPUSH" pops (tuple) and pushes (tuple')
// so, self' = tuple', and return an empty tensor
// `void` is a synonym for an empty tensor
fun tuplePush<X>(mutate self: tuple, value: X): void
asm "TPUSH";

// "LDU" pops (slice) and pushes (int, slice')
// with asm(-> 1 0), we make it (slice', int)
// so, self' = slice', and return int
fun loadMessageFlags(mutate self: slice): int
asm(-> 1 0) "4 LDU";

Note, that to return self, you don't have to do anything special, just specify a return type. Compiler will do the rest.

// "STU" pops (int, builder) and pushes (builder')
// with asm(op self), we put arguments to correct order
// so, self' = builder', and return an empty tensor
// but to make it chainable, `self` instead of `void`
fun storeMessageOp(mutate self: builder, op: int): self
asm(op self) "32 STU";

It's very unlikely you'll have to do such tricks. Most likely, you'll just write wrappers around existing functions:

// just do like this, without asm, it's the same effective

fun myLoadMessageFlags(mutate self: slice): int {
return self.loadUint(4);

fun myStoreMessageOp(mutate self: builder, flags: int): self {
return self.storeUint(32, flags);

Do I need @inline for simple functions/methods?

For now, better do it, yes. In most examples above, @inline was omitted for clarity. Currently, without @inline, it will be a separate TVM continuation with jumps in/out. With @inline, a function will be generated, but inlined by Fift (like inline specifer in FunC).

In the future, Tolk will automatically detect simple functions and perform a true inlining by itself, on AST level. Such functions won't be even codegenerated to Fift. The compiler would decide, better than a human, whether to inline, to make a ref, etc. But it will take some time for Tolk to become so smart :) For now, please specify the @inline attribute.

But self is not a method, it's still a function! I feel like I've been cheated

Absolutely. Like FunC, Tolk has only global functions (as of v0.6). There are no classes / structures with methods. There are no methods hash() for slice and hash() for cell. Instead, there are functions sliceHash() and cellHash(), which can be called either like functions or by dot (preferred):

fun f(s: slice, c: cell) {
// not like this
// but like this
// since it's the same as

In the future, after a giant work on the type system, having fully refactored FunC kernel inside, Tolk might have an ability of declaring structures with real methods, generalized enough for covering built-in types. But it will take a long journey to follow.